Anyone who has tried CrossFit agrees it is a workout regimen that focuses on the body’s key points as a whole and serves as a program that allows gym enthusiasts to compete in different sports. However, as much as it is enjoyable, there are problems that may arise if the body does strenuous exercises in […]
Continue readingCrossFit is the newest fit craze in town. Developed by Gregg Glassman, CrossFit is a fitness regimen based on basic functional movements. The workouts are based on the core movements of life. The workouts combine the movements of weightlifting, gymnastics, rowing, running, high intensity interval training and many more. Because of the various acts employed, it […]
Continue readingBefore we begin looking for the best exogenous ketones in the market. Let us all first have a glance what ketones are, and why these things exist. This is particularly helpful for the first-timer buyers or users of exogenous ketones, which are considered to be a relatively new kind of health regimen or body supplement. […]
Continue readingRunning is no longer limited to professional athletes, as it has become a lifestyle for everyone, a trend for people who want to lose weight and maintain it. Runners often bring stuff with them when they run and their number one problem is how to carry their stuff. Most runners tote a bag but if […]
Continue readingA homemade version of a wrist roller is easy to make. As for the ones commonly sold in stores, they work just fine and some of them do not cost much. A wrist roller is an exercise tool used for strengthening your forearm muscles together with a rolling-pulling motion. It has a bar with different lengths […]
Continue readingEveryone dreams of killer abs but don’t want to put in the work. But what if we told you that you can get that sexy body plus a strong core foundation to boot by doing simple exercises? Behold the best ab wheel, a fitness equipment that can help you strengthen and define your abdominal muscles. However, […]
Continue readingThese days, eating out at fast foods and restaurants is so commonplace that healthy, home-cooked meals are no longer the norm. With all these instant meals loaded with only-God-knows-what chemicals, it is important cleanse our bodies of toxins every once in a while. A number of celebrities have been raving about the wonderful detoxifying and […]
Continue readingFlexor Tendon injury, Barton’s Fracture, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, sounds familiar? If your work involves primarily the use of a hand then you might have suffered at least one of these considering that we use our hands in every action we perform. Doing hand grip exercises will help strengthen your hand muscles and you will be more […]
Continue readingEverybody hates leg day. The feeling of walking after a leg day is unimaginable. But, the hard work and pain pays off after seeing those perfect quads, calves and hamstrings. To have that body to die for, you need to have trustworthy pieces of gym equipment such as leg extension machines.
Continue readingHaving the best battle ropes at your disposal can prove to be a huge advantage for any fitness enthusiast. These accessories allow you to have some of the most grueling workouts out there. You may think all battle ropes are made the same way, but just like any exercise equipment, this does not hold true. […]
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