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50 Strength Training Blogs That Will Help You Smash Your PB In 2017

Are you an athlete looking for the most comprehensive web-based resources on strength training? Here, in no particular order, is a rundown of the top 50 blogs, a compilation that provides a broad spectrum of tips and tricks designed to improve athletic performance. Athletes from all disciplines have benefited from the information provided within these various websites and blogs, and you will undoubtedly find advice appropriate for your specific athletic conditioning goals. Read on to find the best web-based fitness resource to help you surpass your personal best in 2017.

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top 50 strength training blogs

Cutty Strength is a professional looking and informative site dedicated to building muscle, building strength and generally getting fit. The site is packed full of useful information from gaining strength to meditation and weight lifting. The site also has a workout section useful for those looking to try a new workout plan or take inspiration for their fitness goals.

​The site is clean, visually appealing and packed with information suitable for the seasoned professional or those just starting out at the gym. We definitely recommend!

Dai Manuel’s Blog

top 50 strength training blogs

Dai Manuel is a lifestyle mentor encouraging a functionally fit life through education, encouragement and community. A professional and visually appealing site, Dai Manuel covers an impressive range of topics in the health and fitness industry, from fitness programs for older adults, to tips on recovering from injury.

Dai has his book for sale `Whole Life fitness manifesto` available on site, and is available for keynote speaking with a number 1 fitness blog of 2015 by Breaking Muscle. A definite must read if you’re looking to live a healthier life.​

Brandon Richey Fitness

top 50 strength training blogs

We love this site! Awarded top 10 fitness blog winner for 2015 by Breaking Muscle the site is packed with articles, products and an online coaching area for those looking for a little more guidance.

Articles range from specific muscle group articles such as shoulders to general strength training and product reviews. There is a wealth of information on this site so get comfy and get reading!

No Meat Athlete

top 50 strength training blogs

The no meat athlete runs on plants and is a fantastic resource for those looking to start a fitness journey combined with a vegetarian lifestyle. Content includes videos, articles and audio discussions and this site really caters for everyone with wide topics of study perfect for everyone from experts to beginners.

​Check out the free beginners guide to becoming a no meat athlete on the site and give it a browse!

Science for fitness

top 50 strength training blogs

Hayden-William Courtland Ph.D is the owner of Science for Fitness and runs a number of services through his site including personal training, online coaching, nutrition plans and seminars.

His site offers product recommendations and a number of articles on fitness for those looking for a more scientific approach to fitness and wellbeing. Informative and detailed we definitely recommend giving this site a look.

Mark’s Daily Apple

top 50 strength training blogs

Primal Living in the Modern World is Mark’s tagline and this awesome site instantly catches the eye and makes you want to read more. Topics focus on diet and nutrition, fitness, recipes, weight loss and success stories of the people Mark has worked with, and this in itself is testament to his ability to get you to live a healthy life.

Recommended for anyone looking to improve their lifestyle or find a little inspiration.

Roman Fitness Systems

top 50 strength training blogs

Which do you want? To be hot? Or to be huge? This is the first thing you are greeted with when you enter the Roman Fitness Systems site with links to success stories and the system’s workout and nutrition plan based on your goals.

Articles are well researched and have a consistent feel to them, approaching topics such as going out for dinner without blowing your diet, or how to dress for your body type. This really is a big site with lots of information so be prepared to invest some time in looking through but don’t worry, it’s totally worth it!

Art of Manliness

top 50 strength training blogs

The art of manliness has a very distinctive style and approach that we think it pretty cool! Everything manly is covered such as how to treat a bee sting, to building a weightlifting platform and so you could literally spend hours on this site reading through everything.

A slightly tongue in cheek approach to fitness and manliness in general, we love this site and definitely recommend checking it out!

Legendary Strength

top 50 strength training blogs

This site can literally cater for everyone looking at improving their strength in some way. From bodyweight strength building, to kettlebells or general health building, this site has information that is presented well in a clear and concise manner.

Packed with free e-books and information this is a site that you have to invest some time in but it will be more than worth it with the amount of information packed in!

Rough Strength

top 50 strength training blogs

With a simple layout, the content speaks for itself with this site. With information on everything from calisthenics to kettlebell and sandbag workouts, the information is presented in an easy to find and understand way meaning everyone can benefit from having a look at this site.

Rough strength is also packed with free content for subscribers so we recommend hitting up this site, subscribing and getting comfortable with a cup of tea!​

Fitness Black and White

top 50 strength training blogs

With a free e-book available and tailored workouts for men, women and fat loss cardio, this site is fantastic for those embarking on a fitness journey.

The blog is inspiring and informative, tackling the common problems faced in every day to day life such as whether to work out when you’re ill, or whether your should bulk or cut first. Check it out, you won’t regret it!​

American Muscle

top 50 strength training blogs

Veteran Olympic weightlifting athlete, Jared Fleming, discusses the dos and don’ts of strength conditioning and weightlifting by sharing his own experiences, challenges and triumphs earned during 12 years of training and competition.

Jared’s father, Dave Fleming—a veteran Youth, Junior, University National and World-Level competition coach—enhances the blog with his perspectives from the coaching side of professional weight lifting.​

Nerd Fitness

top 50 strength training blogs

Nerd Fitness may be initially geared to those less inclined to the ideals of peak fitness; however, the blog is packed with ideas, approaches and procedures of successful strength training that will appeal to strength training novices and long-time fitness freaks.

Nerd Fitness is headed up by Steve Kamb, a decorated fitness athlete and coach who has authored a book called “15 Mistakes Newbies Make When Trying to Get Healthy.” You can secure a free copy when you sign up with his training regime. Steve’s first rule is that he does not care where your training level is, but is only interested in making your journey a success.

A shot of Adrenaline

top 50 strength training blogs

Much like the name of this blog suggests, you can expect your hormone functions to rise. This blog takes you through the life of Todd Kuslikis, a man who once struggled with being underweight, but eventually overcame the problem by developing a bodyweight exercise regimen.

Todd’s insights help people learn how to burn fat and gain muscle without having to endure strenuous weightlifting. He examines all forms of bodyweight and calisthenics-based exercise regimens, and explores methods for helping people find time to exercise in between busy work and family commitments.​

Tony Gentilcore

top 50 strength training blogs

A trainer of top-level athletes in the Boston area, Tony Gentilcore likes to blog about all things related to the dead-lift. His blog is based on tenets of his book, “Pick Things Up,” which offers practical advice and step-by-step guidance for correct lifting…”because heavy things won’t lift themselves.”

His expertise has been recognized in the U.S and beyond, and his expertise has been featured in bodybuilding.com, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, Women’s Health and a host of other respected media platforms.​

Gym Talk

top 50 strength training blogs

Henry Croft unmasks the secret to the perfect body with blog posts that are fun to read and make you want to hit the gym immediately. While wit and humor are mainstays in keeping people’s attention, the examination of successful workout routines used by top athletes will help perk up your training.

Gym-Talk bills itself as “an antidote to the unending parade of bodybuilding websites and fitness gurus that take themselves far, far too seriously,” but it will also seriously help athletes build their game.​

Born Fitness

top 50 strength training blogs

Along with an informative blog that covers all aspects of strength training and health, Born Fitness offers its readers four guides—“Carb Strategies,” “The Future of Fitness,” “Bench, Deadlift & Squat…For Life,” and “Fit on the Road”—available for immediate download, with new guides emailed to subscribers every four months.

Born Fitness and its fitness guru proprietor, Adam Bornstein, have been featured on ESPN, Men’s Health, Livestrong, The New York Times and Huffington Post, among other respectable media platforms. Adam has also been endorsed by the former Mr. Universe-Terminator-California Governor-and-actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.​

Fitness on Toast

top 50 strength training blogs

Faya Nilsson’s blog offers scientific information that helps fashion conscious women and men attain a well-toned body. While Faya’s primary focus is on nutrition, she also seeks out unique fitness training ideas, and offers health advice found around the world and promotes “active travel” as part of her curriculum.

Fitness on Toast has won numerous awards and accolades, and Faya has been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Harpers Bazaar, Red, Stylist, not to mention both Men’s Health and Women’s Health, which feature her as a guest columnist.​

Chronicles of Strength

top 50 strength training blogs

You can find plenty of valuable information about strength training here. Pat Flynn coaches people looking through online resources for the ultimate physique and muscle strength techniques. Take advantage of this rich resource from a fitness minimalist.

Pat is an author, a business coach and a blackbelt holder. Discover his unique 300 Swings Kettlebell Challenge and Pocket Sized Workouts. In his own words, Pat helps “people do more with less.”​

Lift Like a Girl

top 50 strength training blogs

Lift Like a Girl helps women find fitness through proven techniques. Nia Shanks is a strength training guru whose workouts are designed to make adherents feel great, rather than exhausted and aching.

Nia has tried all manners of exercise regimens in her quest to find maximum results with minimum workouts, and believes in a no-nonsense—and guilt-free—approach to strength training and nutrition. Apart from feeling better after her workouts, participants increase body energy and muscle endurance, and can enjoy food guilt free.​

Ross Training

top 50 strength training blogs

If you have been doing ordinary workouts chances are that your level of fitness success is rather ordinary. If you desire extraordinary strength, physique and endurance, check out Ross Training. This blog is dedicated to people who have started exercising and haven’t yet attained their ultimate strength training objectives.

The blog helps strength conditioners learn how to prevent obstacles and avoid unessential approaches in their training. Along with the blog, Ross Training founder Rose Enamait offers books, articles and DVDs that help you achieve your workout goals with the least hassle and with methodologies that can be tailored to work best for you.​

Spot Me Bro

top 50 strength training blogs

Billing itself as “your daily whiff of Testosterone,” Howard Bergman developed his blog with the core objective of helping strength training athletes. Having met this objective, the blog expanded to cover just about all aspects of fitness.

Numerous articles focus on attaining strength and bulk on various muscles from your neck to your feet, while other blogs detail interesting fitness-related stories about models and celebs. His blogs have even investigated how much alcohol can be consumed without tearing down your gains.​

Girls Gone Strong

top 50 strength training blogs

A rich resource for ultimate fitness, Jen Cosmas’ blog strives to help women train smart, and not just strong. The author believes that a woman’s confidence comes from the way she looks, and therefore work on helping them attain not just a stronger body, but a healthier one too.

In particular, this blog discusses safe weight loss ideas, and discourages backstreet remedies to resolve weight issue. Instead the blog invites you to join other women in shedding fat with deadlifts, hip hinges, swings, Turkish get-ups and other exercises.​

Badass Fitness

top 50 strength training blogs

Join numerous badass recruits in pursuit of better life. While it does not promise magic pills, this blog provides wealthy advice on health, nutrition, exercise and fitness. As you learn about your diet, you are able to transform yourself positively.

Shannon Colavecchio shares personal chronicles on dieting and exercise. Find insightful information about the author’s favorite protein-carb combinations and other diets. Billing herself as the “Badass Drill Sergeant” and “CEO of Badass,” you can join other Badass recruits at Shannon’s physical studio in midtown Tallahassee.

​Workout Nirvana

top 50 strength training blogs

Susan Digre is an accomplished weightlifter, fitness guru, coach, mentor, writer and editor. Her blog highlights numerous ideas for women who want to attain better strength training results, and provides a comprehensive overview of all things related to fitness.

In this blog you will find a variety of articles covering different categories, from the fundamentals of training to attainment of better results, and from full body workouts to quick time-sensitive workouts. You will also benefit from articles on preventing workout-related injuries, and ones that detail how various gym equipment functions.​

Jason Ferruggia

top 50 strength training blogs

Among the biggest objectives of any strength trainer is to gain noticeable results in minimum time. While some people manage to achieve this goal, many spend years training with little result and others suffer injuries that veer them from their goals. Jason Ferruggia experienced such trials in the early years of his training and knows how you can avoid pitfalls in your training and achieve the best results.

The extensive content in his blog will help you discover reasons you are not losing fat, and offer Jason’s top 20 exercises for increasing muscle and building strength. Jason offers his tips in a personal manner to trainers of all fitness levels, and often describes his own trials in achieving peak fitness.​

Joe DeFranco

top 50 strength training blogs

Located in a busy area of Austin, Texas, DeFranco’s Gym is called the “mixed martial arts” of the training world due to its expertise in improving all aspects of athletic performance. DeFranco’s Gym and its founder, Joe DeFranco, have trained innumerable athletes on power, agility, endurance and speed tailored for the athletes’ specific sport.

Whether you are a sportsman, beginner or pro, reading his blog will help you live your passion. His approaches have been so practical that he has appeared on WWE Network, NFL Network, Spike TV, ESPN, The New York Times and Men’s Fitness Magazine, among other media outlets.

Lifting Revolution

top 50 strength training blogs

Redefine your view on fitness by visiting this blog. It is dedicated to ladies who want to not only develop physical strength, but mental grit as well. The owner, Kindal Boyle, is a personal trainer who has a deep understanding of the basics as well as advanced workout regimes.

Examine Kindal’s interesting 30-minute workout designed to burn body fat and build mental endurance. Or take in her advice on understanding the top five easiest parts of obtaining a six-pack. By subscribing to her blog, you receive a free copy of Kindal’s Pushup Progression mind map, which interactively details proper pushup form that will ensure you get the best results.​

Breaking Muscle

top 50 strength training blogs

The Breaking Muscle team is comprised of experienced professionals dedicated to providing comprehensive strength and conditioning, and mind/body wellness programs to their clients. They specialize in Olympic lifting, powerlifting, functional fitness, yoga, and mind/body modalities, and share their expanding knowledge base on their insightful blog.

Among recent blog articles is one on how to learn top facts about fats and signs that your current diet is not helping. Or find out how to maintain your fitness regimen while on travel or during the holidays. Or read an interesting article titled “The Art of Standing Still.” Overall, there are blog posts addressing all aspects of fitness.​


top 50 strength training blogs

Lai Wee Kiat is a Singaporean weightlifter, athlete, trainer, writer and blogger who started working out in 2001 when he was only 11 years old. While he started lifting weights as a hobby, it turned into a way of life and full-time career. Lai believes his success in strength training comes from being his biggest critic.

Among the richest resource in his blog is an article called “All-Day Energy For The Modern Man,” which highlights how you can stay healthy, fit and strong even in the modern busy world. Lai certainly has the creds to write about fitness, given that he was the overall champion of the 2013 Mr. Kuala Lumpur contest at just 22 years old.​

Stay Fit Bug

top 50 strength training blogs

Have you ever considered taking classes in self-defense? Well, this blog will offer you the top-10 reasons why you need to enrol in such classes. With an additional focus on nutrition, the blog will also help you kick any undesirable appetites and cravings. The blog is also ideal for people who spend too much time working and fail to make time for exercising.

Blog owner Shaun Sinclair shares personal lessons about strength training, diet and many other aspects of health and fitness. The blog also features a “Stay-Fit Bug” shopping area where you can purchase the most efficient gym equipment, books and fitness supplies.

Freestyle Fitness Addiction

top 50 strength training blogs

The brain behind this blog has a facility that has been dubbed as Silicon Valley’s “#1 Personal Training Facility.” Kristina Dobyns is multi certified in numerous fitness disciplines and winner of several bodybuilding and lifting awards and blogger. She runs Evolution Trainers, a health club based in Mountain view, California.

You will find her comprehensive recommendations on strength training, flexibility training, nutrition, and overall lifestyle on this blog. She believes that fitness is a lifestyle, and not something one does in a couple of days or over a few weeks.​

Waxman’s Gym

top 50 strength training blogs

Sean Waxman has been in the weightlifting game for so long that he has been featured in various respected media outlets including Men’s Health, Bodybuilding.com, ESPN and The New York Times. A professional coach for more than 20 years, Sean has developed more than a dozen national-level weightlifters, including six national medalists and a World Championship team qualifier.

If you are you are looking to enhance your performance in Olympic lifts, then check out Sean’s blog. Sean and his gym believe in traditional methods and start with the basics. And at Waxman’s Gym, it does not matter whether you are a beginner or a professional, the coaches will help you master efficient lifting techniques and make “you strong as hell.”​

Eric Cressey Performance and Health

top 50 strength training blogs

Not only is Eric Cressey a competitive powerlifter and certified strength and conditioning specialist, but he has also published hundreds of fitness related articles, five books and four DVD sets, and is noted fitness public speaker. As a trainer Eric draws high performance athletes to his facilities in Massachusetts and Florida, and is best known for his extensive work with off-season professional baseball players.

Eric shares his fitness acumen on his blog, and is known as much for helping athletes recover strength after injury as he is for building strength in healthy athletes. athletes gain fitness and regain health after injury. Along with his blog, he offers his critically acclaimed “The High Performance Handbook” that provides you basic instructions for weightlifting.​


top 50 strength training blogs

With years of weight lifting and coaching experience, Wil Fleming is the author and owner of this blog, which focuses on Olympic lifting and the building of explosive strength. In addition to co-owing a fast growing midwestern fitness center, Wil is a sought after speaker and writer. By joining his mailing list you can take advantage of a free one-hour seminar that trains athletes on the famed Olympic lift technique.

The International Youth Conditioning Association endorses his facility for excellence in strength training, and you can benefit from Wil’s expertise by reading his blog and joining his mailing list. Also read recommendations from other strength training athletes who have benefitted from the services.​

Wine to Weightlifting

top 50 strength training blogs

Jennifer Lynn believes that how you spend your day depends on how you start it. She also reckons that the quality of your life depends upon how you spend your days. For this reason, she helps you start your day on a positive tone by exercising.

This blog reads like a self-help resource for modern people. You will find it valuable because it has everyday articles about food, exercise, alcohol and fitness that everyone can relate to. Jennifer and her blog aim to help you attain a healthy balance between these aspects of life.​

Pretty Strong

top 50 strength training blogs

Just as the name implies, this blog is written by and about graceful women weightlifters. The authors’ basic objective is to encourage, support and enlighten all weightlifting athletes. It provides personal chronicles from women who struggled with being the trendsetters in female weightlifting, but finally succeeded and won various awards.

It is therefore ideal for professionals and beginners alike. Apart from strength training, the blog educates women about nutrition, family life, sexual health, leadership, relationships and many other subjects of importance to today’s modern woman.​

Brute Strength

top 50 strength training blogs

Are you looking for an expert personal trainer? Find one at Brute Strength and train with a motivated team of men and women. When you join the Brute Strength team you immediately benefit from a free newsletter. Combined with the blog, you will receive the latest fitness-related news, tips, techniques, gear updates, contest announcements and more.

The brains behind this initiative carry out regular training camps. Be part of these and benefit from hands-on coaching from leading coaches including the team leader, Michael Cazayoux. This blog also seeks to dispel various common weightlifting myths and set the record straight about what truly works, and what doesn’t.​

The Strength Athlete

top 50 strength training blogs

This is an online powerlifting coaching service led by Bryce Lewis. It encourages you to embrace raw energy in powerlifting and discourages drugs and supplements. The coaches behind this resource believe that strength training is not just ideal for competing, but also for physical and emotional well-being.

The Strength Athlete focuses on four main aspects of developing muscle mass and strength: a consistent training program, balanced nutrition, mobility and flexibility training, and affective regulation. The coaches pay utmost attention to all their clients, making you feel like it is a personal one-on-one training program.​

Atomic Athletic

top 50 strength training blogs

Have you been looking for the best weightlifting equipment, apparel and accessories? Your search is now over, as Atomic Athletic is an online store that stocks a wide range of equipment for bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen, crossfitters and Olympic weightlifters.

The offered equipment and apparel have been approved and endorsed for safety, health, quality and efficiency. Examples are weights, balls, straps, gym benches, safety gear and clothing. There are also numerous books, articles and video tutorials for DIY training regimes.​

Steph Gaudreau

top 50 strength training blogs

Steph Gaudreau is an accomplished fitness expert, strength training coach and nutritionist. She helps women find their limitless physical and emotional energy that is hidden within. When you first subscribe to the online resource, you get a gift that details 101 tips for building strength.

With a mantra that asks “what if, instead of weight loss, you shifted your focus to health gain,” Steph helps you attain the desired body weight, shape and size. Find seven-day detox programs that help you lose undesirable fat in certain parts of the body including the hips, stomach, bust and behind.​

Robertson Training Systems

top 50 strength training blogs

Billing itself as a developer of “elite physical preparation & performance enhancement,” no strength training regime helps you achieve significant results better than the Robertson Training Systems. Within five short days Robertson says you will be able to increase the mass of lean muscles on various parts of your body. More importantly, you will increase your strength and compete better in sports.

This platform uses numerous short videos that help you design your own program. As you understand your objectives better than anyone else, you become your own coach. This website has been so successful that numerous media outlets, including bodybuilding.com and Men’s Health magazine, have featured it.​

Powerlifting University

top 50 strength training blogs

As suggested by the name, this website aims to be an ultimate resource for anyone interested in powerlifting and related fitness. As a compendium of powerlifting knowledge, it highlights dos and don’ts, approaches and safe procedures, and the owner, Martijn Koevoets, believes that you can build strength no matter how young or old one may be.

Do you occasionally dislike the recommended diet for weightlifting? Discover a number of recipes that make dieting fun. The blog also publishes details from periodic interviews with professional weightlifting champions. For example, the recently celebrated Natalie Kate Salm.​


top 50 strength training blogs

Brad Schoenfeld has a PhD in fitness and has been described as one of the world’s leading authorities on strength training. Several respectable magazines, TV channels and websites—such as Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, T-Nation, ABC, CBS, NBC, bodybuilding.com—have mentioned his achievements.

In his website and blog he describes tried and tested strength training approaches that will work for you and just about anyone. Achieve the ultimate health and physique by subscribing to his newsletters and books. Most of his advice is backed by scientific evidence, and is detailed in his books “Strong and Sculpted” and “Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy.”​

First Attempt Weightlifting

top 50 strength training blogs

Matt Bergeron, a decorated weightlifter and personal trainer, believes that your first attempt at strength training is the most important. While it sets the tone, it determines your movement through the stages of weightlifting. Therefore, he invites and encourages you to do your initial lifting correctly.

Register as a member of his online community of trainers if you are just starting out. Here, join hundreds of other powerlifting professionals. Apart from videos and newsletters, you will also benefit from questions and expert answers to most common weightlifting challenges.​


top 50 strength training blogs

Trainheroic’s stated mission of “connecting coaches to athletes anytime, anywhere” doesn’t just apply to Olympians, varsity-level starters, CrossFitters, or anyone else sporting obvious strength and conditioning credentials. No, Trainheroic is interested in coordinating the training of any and all athletes interested in a structured program that provides immediate feedback, and in modernizing the interaction between coaches and athletes.

While Trainheroic’s blog provides a bonanza of advice to both athletes and coaches, the company’s main focus is on the provision of strength and conditioning software that facilitates the interaction between athlete and coach. This groundbreaking software let’s both the coaches and athletes manage their programs, analyzes performance, and serves as a key motivating tool.​


top 50 strength training blogs

If you want to improve you Olympic lifting capabilities then try training with Fred Lowe, either in person or virtually. Fred, whose keywords are “patience,” “persistence” and “power,” has competed in Olympic weightlifting for almost 50 years. . He has won numerous awards and special accolades, including induction into six weightlifting halls of fame.

On his website he shares with you his personal journey from a novice to a world-beater. More importantly, you can learn his time-tested approaches by attending his seminars, subscribing to his website, and by watching his videos, all of which will train you like a professional.​

Brandon Carter

top 50 strength training blogs

Brandon Carter is a noted personal trainer, nutritionist and fitness model with more than two million social media followers. He shares his fitness expertise on his website via a blog, podcasts and You Tube videos.

When you join Brandon and his team of trainers online, you will benefit from a free strength training tutorial straight away. Numerous models and professional athletes have found their success through his training programs. You could be next.​

Eric Lilliebridge

top 50 strength training blogs

Take advantage of Eric’s 10 years of experience in competitive powerlifting. He has set and broken numerous world records during his career. His love of powerlifting can be shared in person or online, and he offers personal and online training to those preparing for serious competition and those just looking to boost their strength.

Eric can tailor an online training program designed to achieve your powerlifting goals, or you can learn from his expertise via information in his blogs. You can also order Eric’s ebooks that detail workout regimens, nutrition guidance and guidance on lifting techniques that he used to break so many records.​

Crossfit F-V

top 50 strength training blogs

Crossfit F-V is a premier total fitness facility based in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina. Led by head coach and owner, Amanda Street, the aim of Crossfit F-V is to forge optimal fitness that allows trainees to go head to head with any and all physical challenges.

The online website resource provides a wealth of crossfit-related information that will be beneficial to all athletes and seekers of good health. No matter what fitness disciplines or sports you are interested in, the Crossfit F-V blog offers news, information, tips and techniques, applicable to all.​

Luke Cafferty

Luke Cafferty is a fitness junkie, personal trainer and blogger. He's passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a strong and well rounded physique, while inspiring you to do the same.

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